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  • vinaytushir6070

Veggie Wrap


  • Whole wheat tortilla or wrap

  • Hummus

  • Sliced avocado

  • Shredded carrots

  • Sliced bell peppers

  • Baby spinach or mixed greens

  • Sprouts (optional)

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Prepare the Ingredients: Slice the avocado, bell peppers, and any other vegetables you'll be using. Shred the carrots and wash the baby spinach or mixed greens. Make sure all the ingredients are ready to assemble the wrap.

  • Warm the Tortilla: If desired, you can lightly heat the tortilla in a dry skillet or microwave it for a few seconds. This will make it more pliable and easier to roll.

  • Spread Hummus: Lay the tortilla flat on a clean surface. Spread a generous layer of hummus across the entire tortilla. The hummus will act as a flavourful and creamy base for the wrap.

  • Layer the Vegetables: Start by placing the sliced avocado along the center of the tortilla. Then, add the shredded carrots, sliced bell peppers, and baby spinach or mixed greens. If using sprouts, add them as well. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

  • Wrap it Up: To roll the wrap, fold in the sides of the tortilla over the filling. Then, starting from the bottom, tightly roll the tortilla up towards the top. Apply gentle pressure to keep the wrap secure.

  • Serve and Enjoy: Slice the wrap in half diagonally or into smaller pinwheel-shaped pieces, if desired. Serve immediately and enjoy your nutritious and delicious Veggie Wrap!

You can also customize this recipe by adding other veggies, such as cucumber, tomato, or pickles. Feel free to include your favorite herbs or sauces for extra flavor. This Veggie Wrap is versatile, portable, and perfect for a healthy and satisfying lunch.


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